
Trouble started between two brothers, Ochola and Luo when Ochola was threading his beads on a string while the children played nearby. The children were holding hands and dancing around in a circle. The son of Luo was among the group of playing children when he saw the bluish round objects in a clay pan before Ochola who was picking up one bead after another and putting a string through the hole. The boy attracted to the beads broke off from the dancing and went to examine the beads at close quarters. He picked up a few beads to see closely.

Ochola turned his head just on time to see the uninvited visitor taking the beads and on realizing, he had been seen, the boy quickly put the beads into his mouth. Ochola ordered him to drop the beads from his mouth but the boy refused and instead swallowed the beads. Ochola was so enraged that he called Luo, his brother and the father of the boy and demanded for his beads. The boy having admitted that he had swallowed the beads, Luo offered Ochola a bull for the beads but he refused and turned the offer down and demanded for the very bead that had been swallowed. Ochola’s
intention was not really to get the bead back but to pester Luo for the past episode about a spear hoping that Luo would learn a lesson about rigidity.

In great anger, Luo who failed to understand the brother’s reasoning and in a state of great anger, seized his son, cut his stomach open, took out the beads and handed them angrily to Ochola who petrified with fear, realized the fallacy in thinking that Luo would learn a lesson about rigidity. This caused a great estrangement and because Luo refused to be reconciled, he packed and left his parents’ home and the community at large. This story based on a true event explains how an issue that can easily be resolved can escalate into unusual circumstances that can cause a permanent and festering wound and eventual separation.

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